The race to be the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee is narrowing. Or is it widening? New people are jumping in every day! Now we got a guy named Seth? President Seth? Feels wrong.
But if you think it’s narrowing, then you probably see three candidates atop the polls: Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Pete Buttigieg.
Pete Buttigieg?! Who saw this coming?!
We did! We first learned about Mayor Pete in 2017 when he ran for DNC Chair. He was little known outside of South Bend then. And to be honest, he didn’t get much love in the DNC either.
The race for chair came down to Tom Perez and Keith Ellison, and Perez squeaked it out.
But there was this one guy giving interviews at that time. Each answer was so thoughtful. Considered. Smart! It was hard not to like him.
So we liked him! And we still like him! And now he’s running for President and it just feels right.
His biggest obstacle might be the pronunciation of his name. How do you say it? We made custom shirts that help.
See our “It’s Pronounced Buddha Judge” Shirts here.
If you prefer “Boot Edge Edge (but you have to say it fast)” that’s fine too. Why? Because all of our designs are totally customizable. Change the text to say whatever you want. Choose your own favorite way to share Pete’s message.
Start customizing any of our Pete Buttigieg Shirts, Tanks, and Hats here.