When the worlds of pop culture and custom apparel collide, FunnyShirts is on it. For a while now the phenomenon of “Keep Calm and Carry On” has really carried on in to the custom apparel industry but consumers are searching for their own spin on the trendy phrase. Whether it be an inside joke, favorite saying, or even another trend – consumers want the ability to put it on everything!
Here at FunnyShirts we have a gallery full of keep calm shirts. We wanted to put together a list of some of our favorites and the designs that our customers just can’t seem to get enough of:
Ever had that moment when you are trying to keep calm but given the circumstances you just can’t? Yeah – this shirt about sums that up.
Screw keeping calm. I’ll scream and panic as much as I want to.
Literally, every gamer’s dilemma.
They are more likely to die before they actually hit anything. A great design for an upcoming movie premiere. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Admit it – you’ve done it. We certainly have.
You can always test a man’s strength by the brawn of his stache.
You know what they say about gingers, right?
Last but not least the classic.
Like we’ve mentioned before, anyone can take any of our designs and customize them in our design center, where they are able to add their own text, art, and images. They can also take their design and put it on any other item in our catalog via the Swap Out Item tab. The trend will never die if everyone puts their own unique twist on this favorite saying and at FunnyShirts you design a shirt exactly how you want it. Now that is something to freak out and scream about.